Saturday, October 8, 2016

Project 2

My original shapes and sketches: 


My final compositions: 

My gradient scale & color wheel:

 Reflection: Overall I enjoyed this project. I liked not being given so much direction so I could do whatever I wanted with my final compositions. However, I really did not like the gouache paint. I could not find the right consistency, out of the tube it was too thick but even when I added the tiniest amount of water it became far too watery and the depth of the color was lost. I think I prefer acrylic paint. I also enjoyed making the gradient scale, it was fun to see the new color combinations. My inspiration for the shapes were found online. The organic shapes though were just out of my head. If I found a shape I thought I could work with I scaled it up or down to find the perfect size. If I could go back and change something, I would adjust my organic composition which was the leaf green & lemon yellow composition. I would omit the swirls and add more of the star shapes. I like my geometric composition because of the color choices, the gradient I used and overall just better craftsmanship and thought put into the final product. Everybody's feedback was positive regarding the geometric compositions, which I appreciated.

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