Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Project 3- Nadia Slawick


The day we were given this project, I decided to sit on the floor in my room and rip my two compositions into one hundred pieces. After everything was ripped up, I started to assemble my new composition with glue. I had a few things in mind that I wanted to capture with this piece. I wanted this piece to still have qualities from the first two pieces, such as organic and geometric shapes and texture. As a result, I made the shape of this piece an organic shape and kept geometric shapes on the inside. Equally important, my first two pieces had tons of texture within them. I wanted to transfer this texture to this pieces as well, but in a different way. To do this, I decided to layer most of the hundred pieces underneath and peel the top layer upwards so that you can see what is underneath the composition. Also, I made this rug like texture by simply bending the paper piece in half and gluing only one side down allowing the other side to stick upward. Overall, this composition turned out rather interesting and I am happy with the results. This project really taught me to let go of my pieces, and I really did. Not only did I rip two of my favorite compositions up into a hundred pieces, but I am also selling the reconstructed piece sometime this week.

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