Sunday, October 23, 2016

Emilia Nawrocki - Projects 4 & 5

Reflection: When these projects were first assigned I was confused and worried. Usually I'm always confused about the projects for a couple days, but the worried part was new. I haven't used Photoshop a lot, and this was my first time using Illustrator so I assumed I would be lost, but it was actually pretty easy to navigate. The first composition I made (the blue and green one) is probably my least favorite, because I was still confused and just trying to make something out of (kind of) nothing. My next two compositions though, I'm really happy with. I think they look pretty interesting. The black, orange, red, and purple composition gives me a Halloween/Thanksgiving feeling, which is interesting seeing as the original picture was of a window. Oh, what art can do! My green and gray/brown composition I did mainly for fun, since I had some time left in class, but I actually really like how it turned out. The original picture was of a fire alarm that you could pull, but once I put it through Photoshop and Illustrator it kind of turned out to look like a camera. The compositions were really fun for me to create! For the photo board, all of my photos are from around campus, seeing as I live on campus. I didn't really specifically look for anything to photograph, I just took pictures of what I thought was interesting. When looking through all of my photos, I realized that a lot of the pictures I took were pretty symmetrically balanced and geometric for the most part. I also find that pictures of/from windows are interesting to me, which is why I included a few in this board. Looking at my board, I realized that I have a lot of photos that include vertical lines, which is also something I guess my subconscious enjoys! It was fun to go out and take pictures, it's not something I ever did in my previous art classes so it was new to me. Overall, I really enjoyed this project.

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