Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Angela Brooks - Project 3

Original Compositions:

Final Composition:

I was excited for this project 3. I didn't feel attached to my original compositions so it was easy for me to tear them apart and see what I could create from the pieces. As soon as we were assigned this project I knew immediately what my plan was going to be. Since a lot of my shapes were already triangles or I could easily make them into triangles, I knew I wanted to arrange the pieces to represent the sun. However in my first composition I really liked the gradient in the circles, so I wanted to keep that in my project 3 and not touch it. I started off using glue to put the shapes together but some wouldn't stay so I used double-sided tape which worked much better. I put the middle circles together first and then I knew I wanted all the red triangles as the first layer. After the red layer was complete I glued the purple and blue shapes on for the 2nd layer, then I put the green shapes wherever I could fit them for the 3rd and final layer. I also kept the stars from my organic composition and taped them where I thought they looked best. Once I thought I was finished I decided that it was lacking something so that's when I decided that I wanted to burn the edges a little. However, I didn't want to burn the project I jut spent so much time on, but I still felt it was missing an element. So I taped the whole piece onto another piece of Bristol board. I know I could've used the empty white space in my original compositions but I had already thrown the pieces away because I had completed it a few days prior to the idea of burning it. 

To burn the piece I simply used a lighter and ran it along the edges, some parts got a little out of control. In the end I am pleased with the outcome and I'm much more attached to this project than the original compositions. A lot of people said it reminded them of something out of a comic book which I thought was a cool complement. 

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