Monday, October 10, 2016

Project 2 Reflections- Kristal Michal-Brasseur

For this project I made a conscious decision to utilize this assignment as an outlet for my recent breakup. We've been together almost 2 years and we recently decided perhaps maybe this wasn't what was best for either of us anymore. What I really wanted my assignment to show was a story between two people and how sometimes things just don't work out the way you thought they would. For the piece that utilizes only organic shapes I used the colors lemon yellow and crimson. In both pieces however I utilized Crimson because I thought Crimson was the color that actually represented me. The lemon yellow however represents AJ because his favorite color was yellow, anything yellow he loved. The piece is meant to show that as time goes on your two souls or colors begin to merge into one and then at the end of the relationship all your both left with is the memories that both of your souls touched. How the viewer can see this is by analyzing The Hourglass shape that the two figureheads are in that leads down to the mess of oddly shaped hearts at the bottom. However, the colors in this piece are what makes this particular piece of work personal. My other piece however using only the geometric shapes I feel a little less attached to. The colors used in this piece are crimson and Blue Lake. As I said before I use Crimson because I felt like I represented myself however this time I used Blue Lake for the simple fact that I associate that color with boys. I felt that if I used that color that it would be easier to understand the story is about a guy and a girl. This piece however is meant to show that sometimes there are obstacles or issues that neither of party can get over. I feel like the story is clearly shown by the triangles that the figures are in and then they ultimately larger triangle that has “mountains” in them. Each figure that is in the triangle has their own Moon meant to represent that they come from different worlds and that sometimes it's okay to just go back to your world and live there instead of trying to create a world. The larger triangle in the middle however with a full moon is meant to represent the world they created together that neither of them can no longer live in. To create these pieces a used gouache and sharpie. Due to my past experience with watercolor I had no problem working with the paint once I mixed it with water. One thing I would like to work on for the future is to experiment with different materials that I haven't used before such as Indian ink.The reason being that sometimes my pieces don't really come out as I imagined because I either lack the materials or patience. I would really like to work on that because I don't think I'm doing my art pieces justice just yet.

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