Sunday, October 23, 2016

Project 4/5 - Jessie Kim

Project 4

                              Original Picture:                           Edited Image:

                                  Original Picture:               Edited Image:


I enjoyed Project 4 because we were working on computers which I am very familiar with because I used to work on my laptop a lot, in Photoshop, and with generally creating digital art. I’ve never used Illustrator before because of lack of access but it was easy to catch on. For my inspiration, I used nature again because I am surrounded by it a lot and I just love trees and nature. For the first image, I traced out most of the trees and the leaves to create detailed and intricate designs. I chose the color green to fill the tracing because it is the color I most associate with trees, nature, and general plant life. I created a more of a radial pattern because I thought that the intricate designs from the leaves would look really cool when facing towards the center. For the second image, I traced the outline of the sky behind the trees instead of the trees itself, and chose the blue to fill the tracing because it reminded me of the color of the sky. I then laid the image on its side because I felt like I could repeat the image more that way and I also didn’t want to have the tracing to “look” like how the sky is in the original picture. The project was difficult at first I didn’t quite understand how to join the line segments and the fill the joined segments but after some fiddling around with the program and looking to Google for help, I figured it out and it was really easy from there.

Project 5


For this project, I went through the terms list and picked out 3 of the ones that I like the most, which were contrast, rhythm, and balance. I also felt like those were 3 of the most elements that I encounter most of the life (and easy to find, to be honest). When taking the photographs, I wanted to capture the elements within the little things in life, like around the house and daily routine/living space. It was fun to go out and take pictures because I’ve always loved being involved in photography and if I had the money to afford of the materials, I would definitely also study photography.

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