Monday, October 24, 2016

Project 4 & 5- Ally Bertling

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Edited Image:
Original Image:

Edited Image:

For Project 4, I didn't find it very difficult to do. I knew PhotoShop pretty well from taking photography classes in high school but I did find illustrator a bit difficult because I have never used that program but I caught on pretty easily. The inspiration I used was buildings for these compositions. I used the Old Main building for these compositions by taking a few pics from different angles to make both unique in its own way. For the first image. I outlined it how it was and I chose purple to fill it in with because it's my favorite color and thought it would look good and made it where each image was like a reflection to the other image because I thought it would look really cool. The second image I just outline the building and I sort of made this composition more like a checkerboard pattern. I filled in every other with a light blue and made the outline a darker blue and the rest filled with a darker blue and outlined with a lighter blue to give it a really cool effect. Overall I think these compositions turned out pretty good.

For Project 5, I found it really easy to go out and take the pictures. It was easy finding things to take pictures of.  For all of my pictures I took pictures of things in nature and things you would find in the outside world but mostly buildings because I'm not that big of taking pictures inside places but I like inside pictures it just depends what's on the inside for me. I took pictures of things that I thought looked pretty and that would look really cool how I took the picture. Honestly I really enjoyed doing this project because it was fun getting to go out and take pictures because I really enjoy photography.


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