Sunday, October 9, 2016

Color Studies & Shape Diptych

Color Studies

Diptych Process

Finished Diptych & Details

Reflection: When this project was first assigned I was worried that it was going to be a bore, I didn't think making a composition out of geometric and organic shapes would be too much fun, in all honestly. Doing the sketches of the geometric and organic shapes was the easy part, after that I was pretty stumped on how to make a composition out of the shapes I’ve made. I started out with one idea, a symmetrically centered, complex, royal-looking, and dark composition. With my other composition idea, I wanted it to contrast the first one so I decided to do a simpler, nature-influenced, with light colors. For my first composition I decided to use the colors crimson and blue lake, and the second composition included the colors leaf green and lemon yellow. I really enjoy how my first composition turned out, I just wish my other composition would have worked more with my first composition, since they don’t look too much like a diptych. The class really enjoyed my second composition, the nature one, even though I didn’t think it was that great. Like I said in class, I spent only thirty minutes on that composition, while my first composition took me over two hours. I think my biggest struggle during this project was creating two compositions that went well together, and figuring out what to do with the shapes. If I had the chance to re-do the project I would probably try to do something more abstract instead of a kind of centrally balanced pattern design. Overall, I was pretty pleased with the outcome of this project and I also appreciated all of the critiques given to me. 

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