Monday, October 24, 2016

Emilia Nawrocki Project 3

Reflection: When this project was first announced I was very excited, which seemed to be a different outlook from the rest of the class. I've gotten use to not being attached to my art, so it wasn't heartbreaking to destroy these pieces. My first instinct for this project was to do something that dealt with the female body and femininity, because it is something that I am passionate about. My process was sort of random, I started out by creating a torso/chest and arms from one of my previous compositions, and then I created a head. The only thing I really planned out before starting to glue was the face, because well, I wanted it to be recognizable as a face. Everything else, I cut random pieces and glued them to where they fit, sort of like a puzzle. I didn't want to think too much about what I was doing, because I wanted the finished work to look somewhat messy and abstract, like it was done in the spur of the moment. The music I was listening to while working on this piece also influenced what I created, two songs in general which were: "I'm Not Waiting" by Sleater-Kinney and "That Battle Is Over" by Jenny Hval. (You should listen to them, they're pretty good) For this piece I also wanted the viewers to be able to tell what it was (a human) but for it not to look completely normal (the droopy eye, weird colors, weird shapes, etc). I had a lot of fun doing this piece, and overall I enjoyed this project. It wasn't something that I could ever imagine doing in a high school art class, so it was a new experience.   

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