Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Project 3 Kristal Michal-Brasseur

Honestly when I started this project my process was not thought through or planned out. If i could go back i would have created a concept before just ripping up my pieces willy-nilly. Yet I did what I did And worked from there, although I am happy with the piece. I decided to continue my concept from my last project which was about my recent break up. I decided to craft a tree because I wanted it to represent the growth that I went through during that period of my life. Loving that person tested my mental endurance and moral character. In that relationship I started to define myself and what I wanted out of this life.  I also decided on a tree because even though trees die they still continue to exist (unless they are cut down). This is exactly how I feel about my last relationship, even though it's over it still happened and i can't change that. So i guess I'm using this piece to try to convince myself of that, to just accept that it's over. I decided to put the inorganic composition pieces more as the base of the tree because ultimately that was the final decision between us. Yet from that decision the memories that we made shattered and or branched off and that's what my organic composition was all about. In order to create this piece I originally started with sewing my two compositions together, yet as time went on I decide to switch adhesives. I opted out for painters tape because when I had see the base of the tree it was too flimsy and It looked messy due to my lack of knowledge in sewing. When I was sewing however I did decide to use a brown thread to really show that the shape I created was meant to be a tree. Ultimately I did enjoy this project it was nice to do something different from just painting or just drawing. This project helped me to literally ‘branch out’ as an artist all while still doing a new approach to art that I enjoyed.

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