Monday, October 24, 2016

Project 4/5: Julian Chastang

My reflection: I haven't really used Photoshop or Illustrator before so it was a new thing for me. I'm not familiar with Mac OSX so it was a bit off a struggle for me. Unfortunately outside of class i didn't get to mess around with it as much as i wanted so i could learn more about the programs. The first image i used a picture of Old Main repeated in different colors and the second image i used a image from the top of a parking structure, and I thought it would be interesting to repeat it in a spiral path.

For the 25 images, i wanted to do something mostly with color, repetition & rhythm, and form. I guess i got the color down, but not so much with the other two subject terms. At first i struggled to find things that would have interested me, so i took pictures of some of my old schools and some stuff around campus. But i ended up using the pictures when i took a walk downtown and near Eastern Market. The first shot i will say is a mural from Gonzo Art Studio in Roseville. I took a lot of shots of street art/graffiti in this area because i guess it was the thing that stood out to me. I enjoyed taking these shots, but i wish i could have taken more time to look for a variety of some other buildings or other sculptures. Either way I'm satisfied with what i taken pictures of.

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