Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Project One

A few of my Sources

Some of my sketches

The Process

First I would trace my 8"x8" transfer drawing.

Then I would take the trace paper with my drawing 
on it and tape it to an 8"x8" piece of black paper.

Next, I began cutting with the Exacto knife.

When I finished that long process, I pop them out, 
keep the pieces I needed and discard the extras.

Then I'd place them on the original transferred drawings.

I'd then erase the pencil marks and glue the 
cut out pieces down to the Bristol board.

The Finished Product

My Thoughts

     Surprisingly enough, I ended up really loving this project and especially it's outcome. When we first began to hear about this project and the fact that the finished product would be abstract, I was absolutely terrified. I am simply a realist, I am going into interior design and I just flat out prefer real, tangible items. Abstract had never even been on my radar. However, I am thankful for this project being our first because it has helped me to come out of my shell and to explore a very different realm of art. 
     I have never had a professor that allowed so much free reign and didn't really overly explain what the outcome of the project should be. This scared me, a lot, but everything turned out wonderfully. I loved to see how every one's artwork was so different from mine. The variety made everything all the more beautiful and unique in the end.
     The fact that I am going into interior design highly influenced my decision for my source materials. I chose interior design magazines and pictures, my favorites happened to be pillow patterns and brickwork which I repeated throughout my compositions. I loved this project and the fact that even though it was abstract I could still tie it into what I am going to major in. I can't wait for our next project! 

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