Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Project 1

 For this project I used a lot of different pictures  as my source material. Vintage inspires me so I collected photos of items that were of my interest from different sources ( ex old clock , old record player ,teacups ..etc.). Being able to use a subject matter that interests me so much for my project made it more interesting to work with. I started off with tracing little parts of objects that were visually appealing. I then transferred those objects onto my sketchbook using carbon paper. After getting the final small sketches of overlapping tracings I scaled them up and transferred them onto Bristol board. The projects goal is to create 12 final images using contrast and making them look non objective. For the black and white contrast I used mixed media ( pitt pens and  black cardboard paper). I tried to color the overlapping parts of images in black so that I could take the attention off of the actual objects in the picture. This technique made my images look abstract. I also took into consideration that my compositions should have some sort of balance in them . Out of the 12 final images I could see rhythm, balance , pattern , repetition and contrast. The most challenging part for me was making the pictures look non-objective and I really think that using a black color helped me achieve that. Overall I really enjoyed working with this project .It helped me see things in a different way and made me use my imagination. Below I have posted step by step images beginning from the basic pictures I used ,to the final outcome of my project.



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