Monday, December 19, 2016

Reflection: Final Project and Then some

For the final project I tried to focus more answering a question I had for myself, why was I having such shitty luck? It just seemed like everything that could have gone wrong did, McMurphy's law. Just today I got locked outside my friends house and was stuck in the freezeing cold for 30 minutes ordering another Uber because my previous Uber was too afraid to go Downtown. Not only that, but I was 20 minutes late to my Microeconomics final exam. Yet, the real icing on the cake the that my dog is currently extremely sick out of the blue. So as I'm writing this I'm also running to go check on my little brother. Unfortunately though, this isn't the only day like this I've had this semester. So I guess this project for me was just a way for me to find something to blame. When coming up the idea for the project Ganesh immediately popped into my mind. I have several statues of him in my room for good luck and have even been to a few festivals and prayed to him. Ganesh is a Hindu Elephant God who removes lifes obstacles grants wisdom and good fortune. So I just kept thinking "maybe ganesh is tied up somewhere an that's why everything seems to go wrong.". That's how I decided I was going to make my own personal Ganesh and he was going to be imprisoned and that would explain my bad luck. For this project  used colored pencils, thread, beads and broken necklace chains. Beading Ganesh's crown piece proven to be much more time consuming and challenging then I thought. Ultimately I'm really happy about how my project turned out. I think it was a good choice to makes the Ganesh on black paper so the colors would pop. I also like that i put him in a physical prison but i think if given the time i would have maybe got different less distancing jar. I think the writing on the jar takes away focus from the main piece. For the side projects unfortunately, I missed the day of class where we made a wax red string tthing (?) and something to do with paper (?). But i was however there for the texture portion and the collage to follow after. The was my final piece. I picked to create a more grainy, crunchy texture. They I tried to say true the leave I found and cut out leaves but choose to kept them smooth in order to match the original collage. Then for one last layer I twisted black paper into vein like figures to represent the veins on the leafs. All in all, I really enjoyed this class. I like how it challenged me to try different mediums that I probably wouldnt have before.

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