Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Final Project- Nadia Slawick

Final Project's Documentation and Final Outcome

(Horrible lighting, this is the best I could get)

Reflection: Throughout this class, we have never really done a project that involves realism and that is what I love to do. However, I really enjoyed exploring and experimenting with non-representation. It has taught me so much in regards to formulating a meaningful concept. I wanted to combine this idea of abstraction and realism as well. For this piece, I used colored pencil, white acrylic paint, and Mod Podge. This project was a mixture of a few of the projects we had done, such as project 3, playing with one repeated shape in order to create texture, unity, and tension, and collaging. I initially drew the portrait with colored pencil, then drew the triangle shapes on the portrait its self, and then collaged other larger triangles on the right hand side. After that I drew in light triangles on top of the triangles I had collaged in red and blue. After that I decided it was not enough to portray my concept, so I then added more triangle cutouts pointing towards the face and emphasized these in white to demonstrate that the triangles are taking over or and are going to continue to take over the girl. For more interest, I cut into the paper on the left hand side. My concept for this piece is a combination of the disorientation of one's mind and how it has the ability to take over an individual. I really wanted to explore with collaging basic geometric triangle/crystal like shapes not only by drawing them onto the portrait, but also by cutting out the shapes and gluing them. I overlapped them and intended to eliminate the basic frame of the piece of paper in order to truly capture inescapability, and tension. In terms of color choice, I wanted it to seem like a 3D movie in way. In order to take away the red and blue of the movie, you need to put on the 3D glasses. Similarly, in order to take away the disorientation and confusion in regards to who you truly are, self discovery is essential.  I feel that this project was extremely successful and I had a ton of fun experimenting with new techniques and combining different materials. I had combined representational and non-representational work before, however, this piece is my favorite so far.

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