Sunday, December 18, 2016

Project 6 and Exercises - Emilia Nawrocki

Project 6

Reflection: I had the idea of doing some paintings of various poses of the body for a while before we actually started working on the project in class. The two bodies I painted were based on pictures of my own body that I had taken. I find it interesting how different the same body can look when you change your posture or pose, which is what I wanted to show in these two. The body on the left in the main photo was when I was standing up straight and sucking in my gut, while the body on the right was me relaxed, while having my leg up on a sink counter. I think that the body on the left has a better technique when it comes to how the paint was applied, but I don't dislike the other piece. I would like to add more pieces to this and make it a series in the future, since I had a lot of fun doing them.


Reflection: I enjoyed most of the exercises we did in class, I thought they were pretty interesting. I wish I had a picture of my string art, I think that exercise was fun even though it was pretty simple, but I ended up losing the string piece somewhere. Sad face. 

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