Monday, December 19, 2016



Reflection: I had an initial vision of a landscape painting, but i wanted it to have my style integrated with it. I used a 16x20 canvas with acrylic paint. I first started with painting the purple sky because i wanted to do a dark vibrant piece. I later painted a few cannabis plants because they are naturally beautiful plants and i enjoy putting texture in the leaves, and proceeding with the hairs, ending with sprinkling the thc crystals right on top of the rest of the ganja plant layers. When i started i was doubting myself because on the third day of working on the project, i was still stuck figuring out how the plants would look and how i was gonna lay everything down around the land, i only had the few orange clouds, mountains, and a bit of grass. It was until i left the classroom that i then got inspired when watching Bob Ross paint on youtube. I struggled a great deal painting this because i had never painted any landscape before, this painting was a process of me learning new techniques such as using brushes to add different textures and using varying blending processes, also using paint in a different way to make a more realistic scene. When watching Ross he made it seem so simple that it actually motivated me to use my limited painting skills, and stay up most of the night because i just got lost in the painting. This pushed me to do what i had never done before, which was painting straight on canvas with no sort of plan. Painting always relaxes me and it's also real meditative, its healthy whenever i am stressed. Overall i had fun creating this and I'm proud of what i have created here. I really digged this canvas painting, but i'm gonna try to sell it soon. If i can't I'll just hang it around my room,

Class exercises

Reflection: These in class assignments were interesting because i had never done anything like them and it helped develop creativity throughout the class sessions, it helped open my mind more, regarding possible future experiments. I forgot to take more pictures of the string exercise as well as the background with textures. I never got around finishing my collage, but i do have an abstract texture filled sketch. 

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