Monday, November 28, 2016

Project 6

River Flows In You 

Materials :

  • At least three different colors of acrylic paint
  • Chalk pastel (2-3 colors)
  • Xacto knife
  • Bristol board
  • Artists Tape
  • A song of your choice which you will be playing on the piano.
  • Foam board
  1. First practice the song you will be performing a couple times. Take the measurements of the piano and count all the white and black keys. Then cut out the keys from the Bristol board.
  2. apply a piece of artists tape on the back of cut Bristol board pieces and tape them onto the piano. 
  3. On a separate sheet of paper empty the chosen acrylic colors and dip each finger into a different color. Now play the song on the piano , and allow to dry overnight
  4. The next day repeat the same process but this time you will take the pastel chalk sticks and powder them down with your xacto knife. 
  5. Place your fingers in different colors and play the song again .
  6. You now have your completed project. Gently remove the pieces of cut Bristol board and place them onto foam board. Any layout design would work with this project.

I Chose the song River Flows in You by Korean pianist and composer Yiruma. It is a song i have enjoyed listening to for a while. I also decided to change my color palette for this project and went with cooler tones.The blue colors i chose reminded me of water colors ,which i thought suited the title of the song.I also chose this layout design because i wanted the viewer to be able to see the original piece on a simple display.The black foam board was cut out in that pattern because I wanted it to resemble the keys of a piano. I really enjoyed working with this project because it creates a random outcome . It is interesting that each time a different song is played and different colors are used , a new  and original piece of art is being created. I have always wanted to visually interpret music and i think this project allowed me to do it beautifully.

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