Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Project 6: JUAN P. TORRES

Bristol Board
Paint brushes
Cup with some water
Some gouache paint (vibrant colors work best)
Black spray paint
Crumpled paper
Music (optional)

Set up all your materials on your work-space. Be prepared to be focused and have a good memory while working. Close your eyes and place your fingers on them with a bit of pressure (don't hurt yourself) you'll have to remain calm and focused for about 15 seconds, soon vibrant colors will appear and whatever you perceive through imagination you paint, imagination and memorization skills are critical, so you must work fast. Music helps set the mood. Once you have developed a vision you add a shade of black to represent a background of darkness that exists through lack of vision. Lastly, you use a crumpled piece of paper and dab it while spray paint is still wet to add texture to the background.

Reflection: I needed to come up with a strange creative idea, although it was done in less than a day it' s a simple project that anyone can try if they have the proper materials and time. I feel like this project represents me in the aspect of imagination, most work of mine is inspired by visions i have or images i process in my brain. I really enjoyed doing this one because the thought just sparked from trying to come up with something different. It didn't stress me at all. I had other things in mind but this one was simple and quite easy to achieve. Sometimes its best to stay mellow and just progress with what you got to work with. Luckily i already had all materials i needed to perform the task, so i was just trying to focus on replicating my vision on a bristol board. I would change the fact that i only did one composition, feel like it would work better if i had taken about a week and had a series of hallucination visions recorded as art, i'm satisfied with the way the final piece of work turned out.

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