Monday, November 28, 2016

Project 6 - Emilia Nawrocki


  • makeup
  • makeup wipes
  • sewing needle
  • white thread
  • apply makeup for the day
  • at the end of the day, take off the makeup with a makeup wipe
  • once you have a good amount of makeup wipes, choose the size of your groupings (I did groupings of four) and use your thread and needle to stitch the makeup wipes together
  • you are done
Process and Results

Project 6 number two

  • bristol board (size of your choice)
  • ink pens
  • desk
  • things you frequently put on your desk
  • tape the piece of bristol board to an area of your desk
  • whenever anything is placed on the bristol board, trace it with the ink pens
  • art is made

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