Sunday, November 27, 2016

Project 6 - Jessie Kim

"Mood Tracker" (tentative name)

  • 2 pieces of Bristol board
  • 1/2'' artist's tape
  • gouache paint
  • paintbrush
  • water cup
  • alarm/timer
  • ruler
  1. Figure out for how long you want to keep a mood tracker for. For the sake of this project, I made a mood tracker for 15 days (Nov. 6 through Nov. 20).
  2. Set an alarm on your phone, watch, etc., for any time of the day (for example, 7 p.m.) to remind you to check your mood, record it, and paint a "square day" according to the emotion you are feeling.
  3. Assign the emotions fear, anger, sadness, joy, tiredness, calmness to a color you associate each best with from your gouache paint set. For my project, I matched fear with black, anger with brilliant red, sadness with blue lake, happiness with medium yellow, tiredness with burnt sienna, and calmness with leaf green.
  4. Get 1 Bristol board paper and measure it out. You will discover that it is not truly 9 x 12 inches which makes it really difficult to use rational numbers to create equal "square days". Record the measurements anyway.
  5. Depending on how many days your mood tracker will be for, you will have to create a grid using 1/2'' artist's tape for the borders and the dividing spaces between each "square day." Because I had 15 days, I chose to have 3 rows of 5 squares. I did not chose to make 2 rows of 7 squares because the squares would have been more like rectangles.
  6. Every day at the same time, the time you have set with an alarm, check your mood at that time and record your mood in case you are not able to paint at the moment... (record it anyway even if you do have the time to paint).
  7. The day you prepare your Bristol board should also be a day you record your emotion. So start painting!
  8. Get your paints and the other Bristol board paper to use as a palette.
  9. If you notice that you are feeling a mix of emotions, mix the two colors together!
  10. Paint the first "square day," should be the top left corner square.
  11. Come back the next day and paint the next square.
  12. After the 15th day, wait until the next morning to take off the tape from the Bristol board.
  13. Good morning... time to take off that tape...
    Final product

I enjoyed this project because I really like painting and I find the gouache paint medium interesting to work with, especially because of the texture after the paint has dried. I chose to create a mood tracker because I think it is just fun and interesting to see visually and represented in color the emotions I normally experience.

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