Monday, November 28, 2016

Project 6
By Feza Ali

The instructions for the project is that any person I have a conversation with I would ask them to stamp their fingerprint. The palm of the hand would be placed in the middle of the page and would stamp the print wherever the finger would land.  For each day of the week was a finger of the right hand. The interaction has to be a conversation. After they put their fingerprint I would right their name next to it  with a black sharpie. I alternated colors and tried to not have a color repeat and I also told them that it was okay for them to overlap with someone else's fingerprint.

It was an interesting challenge. There were someday where I would forget to ask the person and then I would go find them and have them stamp it later. It was also an interesting experience, especially when I would have to explain to them as to why I am doing the project and what the purpose is for me to ask for their fingerprint. Some people were hesitant because they didn't want to get ink on their fingers, but overall, it was a fun and interactive project. 

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