Saturday, November 26, 2016

Project 6- Nadia Slawick

                                                         The Waves of Classic Rock

             3-5 different cans of spray paint, a queen sized bed sheet, a clothes line or bar, two rubber bands/clothes pins, classic rock album, speaker, some type of sound wave recorder, and a face mask for safety precautions.


             1. Obtain a queen sized white bed sheet and 3-5 cans of spray paint.
             2. Choose a classic rock album of your choice.
             3. Hang the sheet vertically- up and down by tying the top corners of the sheet to a clothes line or bar using clothes pins or rubber bands.
             4. Play the album of your choice on an extremely loud speaker.
             5. Record the music in a way that allows you to see the sound waves being projected.
             6. While the music is playing and the sound waves are being displayed, replicate the sound waves that you see onto the sheet using spray paint.
             7. Throughout this process, make sure to alternate between the colors occasionally.
             8. Start at the left end of the sheet and continue to replicate the waves while moving across the sheet to the farthest right end.
             9. Once that wave is complete, move the next wave below the first one and repeat step 7 until the sheet is covered.
             10. When the sheet is covered, move back to the top of the sheet and overlap the spray paint.
             11. Repeat steps 6-10 until the album is over.

Photo documentation of performance and relics:

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